April 26, 2024

Is RSO considered a full spectrum cannabis oil?

Full spectrum cannabis oil (FSCO) is cannabis oil that contains all the bioactive compounds found in cannabis without altering its composition. These include flavonoids, phenols, fatty acids, and most importantly, various terpenes and cannabinoids in their natural acid form.

The RSO process extracts the full range of compounds, but the process of removing the solvent from the solution requires heat. Heat changes cannabinoids from their acid form to their active form in a process called decarboxylation (i.e., THCA decarboxylates to THC and CBDA to CBD). The heat also volatilizes most of the terpenes initially extracted, leaving an oil that may not contain all of the bioactive compounds available in the plant’s hair glands.

Disclaimer: Cannabis oil production, such as Rick Simpson Oil (RSO), is illegal in most jurisdictions. Oil production also contains dangerous volatile compounds in the hands of inexperienced technicians with improper equipment and unequipped facilities. The methods described may be dangerous or illegal. Any action you take on the information provided herein is at your own risk.

Rick Simpson Oil Benefits

More research is needed to support the efficacy of RSO and other cannabinoid-based mixtures. However, there are already indications that cannabis can be a powerful tool in combating cancer and the harmful side effects of its treatment. The anti-tumor properties of cannabinoids in cell lines and cancer-derived animal models have been well-documented in peer-reviewed studies for many years, but more research is needed to demonstrate efficacy and safety in clinical trials in human patients.

CBD oil derived from the industrial hemp plant contains only cannabidiol (CBD), whereas RSO has a high concentration of THC (at least 20%) and the full range of cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. It is also important to distinguish RSO from other products labeled as hemp oil and hempseed oil. This is because these products often do not contain CBD or THC. RSO is highly addictive because of its THC content. That said, it will get you high while CBD won’t.

How to use RSO

Keep in mind that Simpson has dosage guidelines on their site, but they have not been investigated by medical researchers. Dosage varies from person to person depending on many factors, including the potency of RSO, which Simpson claims is 80% to 90% THC.

RSO is not usually smoked. It is applied in the following way.

For topical use on the skin surface
Sublingual (sublingual) for fastest absorption
Capsules taken orally for longer-lasting, slowest-acting effects

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